Commuting to work can be a hassle. There’s an endless list of things to get done before heading out the door: make coffee, feed the kids breakfast, dress them for school and prepare for the big presentation. Once we hit the road, co-workers start calling to make sure the presentation is ready. Safe driving and coffee consumption is a delicate balancing act. Sounds like a typical commute.
Commuting by way of our beloved Highway 290, however, is a completely different animal altogether!
Many of us experience this daily test of anger management patience. Fortunately for commuters, some good news is on the way – traffic relief will be here as soon as summer’s end!
Starting in June, the 290 expansion project will undertake the stretch of 290 including the Barker Cypress overpass bridge. This portion of the project is expected to take 80 days and will add lanes to both 290 and Barker Cypress.
Unfortunately, it isn’t all sunshine this summer – there will be a few lane closures throughout the course of the 80-day project. However, the end result should be worth these short-term inconveniences. With additional lanes on 290 and Barker Cypress, residents of northwest Houston can expect lighter traffic, shorter commute and a return to sanity!
While the Barker Cypress bridge portion of the 290 expansion project is expected to be completed by summer’s end, residents still have to wait until 2017 for the entire project to be finished. Until then, drive safe and try to remember that it’s going to get better – hopefully sooner rather than later!
Find more information on the expansion project and how it could affect your commute to work by clicking here.